'Attribute VB_Name = "PrepForSpell" Sub PrepForSpell() 'Attribute PrepForSpell.VB_Description = "Macro created 31.01.2002 by nnnnnn" 'Attribute PrepForSpell.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Normal.NewMacros.PrepForSpell" ' ' PrepForSpell Macro ' Macro created 31.01.2002 by nnnnnn ' Adoption for Word 2003/2007 by Alexey Murzov ' With Selection .WholeStory .LanguageID = wdRussian .NoProofing = False .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory n1 = 0 w1 = "a" se1 = .End se2 = -1 Do While se1 <> se2 w1 = Left(Trim(.Words(1)), 1) If w1 <> "" Then n1 = Asc(w1) If (n1 >= 65 And n1 <= 90) Or (n1 >= 97 And n1 <= 122) Then .Words(1).LanguageID = wdEnglishUS .Words(1).NoProofing = False End If End If .MoveRight Unit:=wdWord se2 = se1 se1 = .End Loop End With Application.CheckLanguage = True If se1 = se2 Then MsgBox "Fixing Eng/Rus language finished.", vbInformation, "" End Sub